Soap MongoDB

This page and the plugin itself are still in development, a lot will change.

This package provides MongoDB integration for the SoapJS framework, enabling seamless interaction with MongoDB databases and ensuring that your data access layer is clean, efficient, and scalable.


  • Easy-to-use MongoDB collections and query factories.

  • Integration with the SoapJS framework for structured, clean architecture.

  • Support for MongoDB operations such as find, insert, update, and delete.

  • Custom error handling to improve debugging and error resolution.

  • Compatibility with various MongoDB versions, with support for different features based on version detection.


Remember to have mongodb and @soapjs/soap installed in your project in which you want to use this package.

Install the package using npm:

npm install @soapjs/soap-node-mongo


  1. Import the necessary components from the package:

    import {
    } from '@soapjs/soap-node-mongo';
  2. Set up your MongoDB configuration:

    const config = new MongoConfig({
      database: 'yourDatabase',
      hosts: ['localhost'],
      ports: ['27017'],
      user: 'yourUser',
      password: 'yourPassword'
      // additional config parameters
  3. Create a new MongoSource instance:

    const mongoSource = await MongoSource.create(config);
  4. Use MongoCollection to perform database operations:

    const collection = new MongoCollection<MyDocumentType>(
    const documents = await collection.find({ filter: { status: 'active' } });
  5. Utilize MongoQueryFactory for building complex queries and aggregations:

    const queryFactory = new MongoQueryFactory();
    const params = FindParams.create({
      where: new Where().valueOf('customer').isEq(userId)
    const { filter, options } = queryFactory.createFindQuery(params);

Last updated