
In this guide, we'll go through the steps to create a new collection in your SoapJS project. You can create collections using CLI commands, interactive forms, or by defining them in a JSON file.

export class CustomerMongoCollection extends MongoCollection<CustomerMongoModel> {
  constructor(client: MongoSource) {
    super(client, 'customers.collection');
  // additional methods...

Creating new collection

Using CLI Command with options

To create a new collection directly via the CLI, use the following command:

soap new collection -n "Customer" -e "shop" -t "customers.collection" -m "Customer" -s "mongo" -w -f

Options explained:

  • -n: Name of the collection (e.g., "Customer").

  • -e: Endpoint associated with the collection (e.g., "shop").

  • -t: Name the table for the collection source.

  • -m: Name the model associated with the collection. If not set uses collection name.

  • -s: Storage type(s) (e.g., mongo), separated by commas.

  • -w: Generate with dependencies included.

  • -f: Force the creation, overwrite files if necessary.

  • --help: display help for command

Using Interactive Form

If you prefer to use an interactive form to specify your collection details, simply run:

soap new collection -w -f

Follow the prompts to enter your collection's details.

Using JSON Configuration

Alternatively, you can define your collections in a JSON file. Here is an example structure:

  "collections": [
      "name": "Customer",
      "endpoint": "shop",
      "types": ["mongo"],
      "model": "Customer",
      "table": "customers.collection"

Remember that the model name should be the same as the base collection name. In this case, the model value is unnecessary. The data is provided here only as an example. Save this to a file, for example api.json, and run:

soap new --json "./path/to/api.json" -w -f


  • --json: Path to your JSON configuration file.

  • --no-tests: Skip test generation.

  • --no-rel: Skip generating related files. You can also specify specific groups.

  • --force: Force the creation, overwrite files if necessary.

  • --patch: Add content to the files if they exists.

File Structure

After creating your collection, your file structure (assuming default configuration settings) should look like this:

  - shop/
    - data/
      - dtos/
        - customer.dtos.ts
        - index.ts
      - collections/
        - customer.mongo.collection.ts
        - index.ts

Last updated