
When you initiate a new project or integrate SoapJS into an existing one, a .soap directory is created at the root of your project. This folder is equipped with generated configuration files and texts primarily utilized by the CLI. These configurations play a significant role in defining how your project interacts with the SoapJS framework and its structure.

Customizing Configuration Files

While you have the flexibility to modify certain files within the .soap directory to align with your project requirements, caution is advised. Alterations should be made with an understanding of their impact. Certain "core" files within this directory are integral to the CLI's functionality, and modifying these could lead to unintended consequences.

Adherence to Project Structure

If you opt to rearrange elements of your project, such as moving controller files, it's important to ensure that these changes are consistent with the configurations defined within the .soap directory. The CLI relies on these configurations to properly locate and update project components. Deviating from the defined structure without updating the corresponding configurations can lead to issues, such as the CLI not recognizing custom modifications or incorrectly adding new elements.

Best Practices for Using the CLI

Maintaining consistency with the established project structure and configuration settings is crucial when utilizing the CLI for SoapJS. Adhering to the predefined guidelines and structure ensures the smooth functioning of your project and the effective application of the CLI's capabilities.

For comprehensive guidance and to understand the extent of permissible customizations, please refer to our dedicated configuration page. It offers detailed information to help you manage your SoapJS project effectively while leveraging the full potential of the framework.

Last updated